Welcome to part 5. Media
Step 10
People saying nice things about you
Get as many reviews as you can! Good or bad they are useful forms of feedback. Even if there from the old crusty scene veteran who doesn't have any swing, there good to keep hold of. Save them in a file or something. Not only can they be useful for press-packs but also make you feel happy and good inside.
Step 11
Gettin' on the airwaves man!
Getting major radio airplay is hard and not always that impressive. We got played on Radio 1 a number of times, usually between 2-4 in the morning, but on occasions at more sociable hours. We rarely got any feedback from it but radio DJ's are handy connections, especially if they vibe of you. Bethan Elfyn was our main source and got us in to record a session for BBC Introducing. This can lead to gigs, festivals and high profile exposure for your band. However, to start with it might be more realistic to go for more realistic targets.
There are literally thousands of podcasts and live radio shows online, each of whom have a regular listener-ship so getting on there radio waves is do-able as well. iTunes has a huge list of online radio stations worth checking out and sending your stuff to. Get on it.
University radio can be useful too, especially if they have a large venue which plays host to larger acts. We recorded a live interview with Manchester Met Uni, they interviewed us between New Found Glory and Four Year Strong just to give you some scope. Even if they can't get you a gig it might be worth just leaving a few cd's about in case someone good picks them up.
Local radio can also work and we were played on their frequencies and asked to do an interview for Coastfm. It's nothing huge but you never know who's listening!
Step 12
Video killed the radio star
Maybe if you're ugly fuckers but now it seems a good video can be half the battle. Filming a video can be VERY expensive but use contacts. If you're in school/college/university chances are they'll have a media suite where you can borrow some cameras. Better still, you might know someone on the course and maybe filming a music video will get them a sick grade meaning they might do it for free and do a fucking good job too! I'd advise to think up some kind of storyline for your vid though, otherwise it can get a bit boring at times.
We kept video diaries in Leucine and while no-one watched them they were fun to do and makes it look like you're having a good time in your band! I've had loads of laughs watching live snippets of bands like Blink-182, A Day To Remember and Parkway Drives DVD's.
Check back tomorrow for the final piece!
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