Most of these are independent films, produced by people who are passionate about the subject. If you have a few hours to kill, broaden your mind with these interesting and entertaining documentaries instead of just spunking your life away. These are in no particular order and nor or they the top 10 documentaries I've ever seen. Just check them out and watch.
1. The King Of Kong
79 minutes
Plot: An in depth look into the world of computer game records, nost notably retro arcade games such as Asteroids, PacMan and Donkey Kong. The film follows current World Champion Billy Mitchell and contender Steve Wiebe as both attempt to break each others records for Donkey Kong. You are also introduced to the judges of all computer game records, Twin Galaxies, whose ties to Billy Mitchell are unnervingly close.
What's right with it? Steve Weibe challenging Billy Mitchell to a live head-to-head Donkey Kong-off at an arcade only to be refused. Billy Mitchell slinking around behind him in an attempt to psych him out is hilarious.
What's wrong with it? It sometimes feels a little too David vs. Goliath as the opposition that Wiebe faces seem too Hollywood to be true.
Click here to watch the Trailer
2. Big River Man
100 minutes
Plot: Incredibly unfit and unprepared Slovenian, Martin Strel attempts to swim the length of the Amazon River, after his successes swimming the Mississippi and Yangtze Rivers. The lead cameraman is Martin's concerned son who watches his father deal with sunstroke, alcoholism and Martin's skin falling off after too much time in the water.
What's right with it? As well as Strel's journey the film focuses on the destruction of the Amazon rain forest and compliments it's beauty with some incredible shots.
What's wrong with it? I don't know where they found some of their crew? One member actively tries to kill Strel by encouraging him to drink, run off into the jungle and attempt to swim in the dark without supervision of the camera crew. He also refers to him as Christlike.
Click here to watch the Trailer
3. Home
120 minutes
Plot: Stunning documentary explores human evolution, our impact and the strain we put on planet Earth via incredible aerial shots. This film gives an informed opinion towards deforestation, global warming, food and water shortages as well as human emigration.
What's right with it? Visually amazing and despite the bleak overtones the film ends with an incredible positive and uplifting message.
What's wrong with it? Glenn Close's boring narration made me sleepy and at 2 hours long it did begin to drag.
Click here to watch the Trailer

4. The Cove
91 minutes
Plot: Animal activists attempt to show the world the atrocities that take place every year in the coves of Taiji, Japan. The film's protagonist, Ric O'Barry, was once the trainer for the dolphins used in the Flipper television show which ensured public adoration for dolphins. Racked with guilt for the surge of dolphins kept in captivity after the show, O'Barry has devoted his life to releasing dolphins back into the wild.
What's right with it? The hidden cameras that capture to brutal slaughter of dolphins, turning the sea red with blood is startling as is the tense atmosphere that the film crew face.
What's wrong with it? The film is endorsed by Sea Shepherd captain, Paul Watson, which in my eyes, takes away much of the film's credibility.
Click here to watch the Trailer
5. Zeitgeist
122 minutes
Plot: Zeitgeist is broken up into 3 parts. Part 1, The Greatest Story Ever Told explores the story of Jesus and how it follows many pagan stories as well as being closely linked to the Zodiac. Part 2, All The World's A Stage, talks about 9/11 conspiracy theories and finally Part 3, Don't Mind The Men Behind The Curtain continues with more conspiracy theories of why it is in the interest of the banks for a country to go to war.
What's right with it? Very well researched and edited piece that really makes you question everything.
What's wrong with it? Just like every other conspiracy theory film it's so one sided it fails to give a balanced argument and at times is too easy for the man to disprove.
See also: Zeitgeist: Addeudum and Zeitgeist: Moving Forward.
6. Food, Inc.
93 minutes
Plot: Another film broken down into 3 parts. The first looks at the beef, pork and chicken that we eat and the unethical ways that they're farmed. The second looks at grain production and how it is exhaustively farmed. The final part looks into the legal power and support that the big food companies own and how it affects small farmers as well as the ways they promote unhealthy lifestyles to the consumers.
What's right with it? A very grisly portrayal into animal farming which is not the faint of heart. Expect to see cows, pigs and chickens living in squalor before ending up on your plate.
What's wrong with it? While acknowledging the USA produces enough food to feed the world they fail to explain any sort of methods or logistics to carry out such a task.
7. Super High Me
98 minutes
Plot: Much like the name it parodies, Doug Benson (the protagonist) explores what would happen if you exclusively lived by one product. But unlike Morgan Spurlock's Super Size Me, Benson decides to see what would happen if he used marijuana everyday for a month. Benson also explores what happens not taking the drug for 30 days to try to shake some of the myths around cannabis.
What's right with it? The fact that upon its release it was screen in over 1,000 cinemas (more than any other documentary) speaks volumes for itself.
What's wrong with it? The final outcome of the film is fairly weak, questioning whether a film need ever be made at all.
8. Grizzly Man
100 minutes
Plot: Grizzly Man follows the life of self-confessed bear enthusiast Timothy Treadwell. After spending several summers camping in bear-country, Treadwell comes to the conclusion that bears aren't dangerous, they trust him and are his friends. Despite being constantly warned by park officials about the danger they present, Treadwell interacts heavily with the bears sometimes even touching them. If you haven't worked out how this film ends, you are clearly as misguided as Treadwell.
What's right with it? The awesome bear fight!
What's wrong with it? They never show THAT scene.
9. Gashole
101 minutes
Plot: A look into the lengths that gas and oil companies go to to keep consumers dependent on foreign oil and the strategies they use in order to keep alternative energy supplies off the market. The film highlights the agendas of the oil corporations and their close ties with politicians.
What's right with it? The film is produced by people brave enough to take a stand against corporations who take an aggressive stance to people who oppose them.
What's wrong with it? Often repeats itself heavily and could have been far more succinct.
10. Catfish
86 minutes
Plot: Sensing an internet romance could be developing between his brother, Nev, and a girl who seems too good to be true, Ariel Schulman begins to film Nev's interactions with her. When some of the internet girlfriends claims come under scrutiny, Ariel encourages Nev to see how far the documentary could go, with sinister results.
What's right with it? Just a weird film and a timely reminder not to trust everyone you meet over the internet.
What's wrong with it? Many people, including Super Size Me's, Morgan Spurlock, have questioned the veracity of the film. It does seem suspect that every single important moment is caught on film but it is a good documentary nonetheless.
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