10. Bart's Comet
Synopsis: After playing a prank on Principal Skinner, Bart is punished by having to take Skinner's notes while he stargazes. After an unsuccessful night, Bart swats the telescope and immediately discovers a comet. The plans to shoot the comet with a rocket fail, sending the town in a panicked frenzy. Springfield descends to Ned Flanders' bomb shelter, eventually kicking him out. Everyone bickers until Homer encourages everyone to join Flanders facing the comet.
Best bit: Bart's obvious over-eagerness with the launch of the weather balloon.
Best quote: The town are arguing over who should be thrown out of the bomb shelter to make room for the rest
Homer: Wait a minute: we all know the one thing we won't need in the
future! Left-handed stores. That's you, Flanders!
[whispered to Rod & Todd] I'm terribly story.
[to everyone] Flanders is the only useless person here. If anyone dies, it should be him.
[whispered] I'm sorry, please forgive me.
[to everyone] So let's kick Flanders out.
[whispered] Sorry.
9. Who Shot Mr Burns? Part 2

Synopsis: The classic whodunit! After a series of indiscretions that has seen Mr. Burns make enemies with everyone from Moe's to Springfield Elementary, The Retirement Castle and The Plant, Mr Burns is shot. Several suspects appear as the potential shooters but who was the actual culprit? Homer? Grandpa? Smithers?
Best Bit: Homer's stand-off with Burns.
Best Quote: Moe is strapped to a lie detector while Eddie and Lou administer the test.
Eddie: Did you hold a grudge against Montgomery Burns?
Moe: No! [buzz]
All right, maybe I did. But I didn't shoot him. [ding]
Eddie: Checks out. OK, sir, you're free to go.
Moe: Good, 'cause I got a hot date tonight. [buzz]
A date. [buzz]
Dinner with friends. [buzz]
Dinner alone. [buzz]
Watching TV alone. [buzz]
All right! I'm going to sit at home and ogle the ladies in the
Victoria's Secret catalog. [buzz]
[weakly] Sears catalog. [ding]
[angry] Now would you unhook this already, please? I don't
deserve this kind of shabby treatment! [buzz]
8. 22 Short Films About Springfield

Synopsis: Bart and Milhouse question whether anything fun happens around Springfield. Cue a selection of short stories between some of Springfield's favorite characters. Watch what happens when Smithers gets stung by a bee or when Lisa gets gum in her hair. If you've ever wondered what happens to Simpson's characters when they aren't interacting with the family, then this is the episode for you!
Best Bit: The Principal Skinner and Superintendent Chalmers skit is one of the best pieces of television I have ever seen!
Best quote: At a Krusty Burger, Chief Wiggum, Lou and Eddie have a Pulp Fiction style conversation while enjoying a meat-flavored sandwich.
Lou: You know, I went to the McDonald's in Shelbyville on Friday night --
Wiggum: [interrupting] The McWhat?
Lou: Uh, the McDonald's. I never heard of it either, but they
have over 2,000 locations in this state alone.
Eddie: Must've sprung up overnight.
Lou: You know, the funniest thing though; it's the little
Wiggum: Example.
Lou: Well, at McDonald's you can buy a Krusty Burger with cheese, right? But they don't call it a Krusty Burger with cheese.
Wiggum: Get out! Well, what do they call it?
Lou: A Quarter Pounder with cheese.
Wiggum: Quarter Pounder with cheese? Well, I can picture the cheese,
but, uh, do they have Krusty partially gelatinated non-dairy
gum-based beverages?
Lou: Mm-hm. They call 'em, "shakes."
Eddie: Huh, shakes. You don't know what you're gettin'.
7. El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Homer)
Synopsis: After eating an incredibly hot chili at the annual chili carnival, Homer goes on a surreal trip where he encounters huge snakes, a large butterfly and even a talking coyote (voiced by Johnny Cash). The coyote advises Homer to find his soulmate but returns home to find Marge furious with his antics at the carnival. Homer comes to the conlusion Marge isn't his soulamte and vows to find him/her.
Best Bit: Homer's trip after eating the chili is not only hilarious but visually amazing.
Best Quote: Homer wakes up on a golf course and attempts to rationalize his chili hallucianation.
Homer: Huh? Golf course? Did I dream that whole thing? Maybe the desert was just this sand trap. Oh, and I bet that crazy pyramid was just the pro shop. [The pro shop is shaped like a giant pyramid.] And that talking coyote was really just a talking dog.
Dog: Hi, Homer. Find your soulmate!
Homer: Hey, wait a minute! There's no such thing as a talking dog.
Dog: [barks]
Homer: Damn straight!
6. Homer's Enemy
Synopsis: A new employee named Frank Grimes is employed at the plant after Mr. Burns watches an empowering film watching his struggles through life. However, Burns immediately turns his attention to an heroic dog, demoting Grimes to Sector 7G. Grimes takes an instant dislike to Homer's laziness, irresponsibility and social naivety. Homer's attempts to befriend Grimes fail causing Grimes to declare him his enemy. When Homer is rewarded for winning a prize for children (one which Grimes entered him in) Grimes snaps attempting to mimic Homer's poor habits, only to electrocute himself and die.
Best Bit: Mr. Burns demoting Grimes after he saves Homer from drinking acid, swatting it away, destroying Burns' valuable wall and spilling his priceless acid.
Best Quote: Grimes has snapped and goes on a rampage of the plant, followed by Homer, Smithers and others.
Grimes: [from the bathroom] I'm peeing on the seat. Give me a raise! Now I'm returning to work without washing my hands. But it doesn't matter, because I'm Homer Simpson!
[He runs into Homer's work station and spins in the chair]
Grimes: I don't need to do my work, 'cause someone else will do it for me. [puts his feet up, and smacks himself on the forehead] D'oh, d'oh, d'oh!
Homer: Hey, you okay, Grimey?
Grimes: I'm better than okay. I'm Homer Simpson.
Homer: [chuckles] You wish.
Grimes: [noticing Mr Burns] Oh, hi, Mr Burns. I'm the worst worker in the world. Time to go home to my mansion and eat my lobster. What's this? [reads sign] "Extremely High Voltage". Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer Simp--
[grabs the wires and electrocutes himself; everyone winces]
5. Homer At The Bat

Synopsis: Homer and his homemade bat are helping to Nuclear Plant softball team to an impressive run of form. Mr. Burns wagers $1 Million with Aristotle Amadopoulos, owner of Shelbyville Nuclear Plant that his team will come out on top in the next fixture. To ensure victory, Mr. Burns hires nine Major League Baseball stars (all voice themselves) to work at the plant and signs them up to the team. However, before the game all but one of the all star players suffer misfortunes that prevent them from playing. The only player remaining, Darryl Strawberry, plays in Homer's position, leaving him on the bench. However, with the scores tied and bases loaded, Mr. Burns brings on Homer for the final play.
Best Bit: The ways that the all star team are rendered out of action is hilarious, most notably, Ken Griffey Junior's gigantism.
Best Quote: Steve Sax is innocently drivig along when he is pulled over by Lou and Edidie.
Eddie: [reading Steve Sax's license] Well well, Steve Sax, from New York City.
Lou: I heard some guy got killed in New York City and they never solved the case. But you wouldn't know anything about that now, would you, Steve?
[Lou and Eddie laugh]
Steve Sax: But there are hundreds of unsolved murders in New York City.
Lou: You don't know when to keep your mouth shut, do you, Saxxy Boy?
4. Marge Vs. The Monorail
Synopsis: Mr. Burns is caught dumping toxic waste around Springfield and is fined $3 Million. At a town meeting to arrange how to spend the money, a mysterious Lyle Lanley arrives with the idea of a monorail, leading the townspeople into song before they agree. Marge has her suspicions and vows to find out more about Lanley.
Best Bit: The monorail song. Awesome!
Best Quote: The monorail is out of control. Marge communicates to Homer through a radio.
Marge: Homer! There's someone here who says he can help you.
Homer: Batman?!
Marge: No, he's a scientist.
Homer: Batman's a scientist!
Marge: It's not Batman!
3. Lemon Of Troy
Synopsis: After Springfield's famous Lemon Tree is dragged off into Shelbyville, Bart leads Milhouse, Martin, Nelson, Todd and Data into Shelbyville in an attempt to get it back. The boys track down the tree to an impound lot but are stopped by their parents. Homer, Flanders and the rest attempt to negotiate to get the tree back but to no avail. Using Flanders' RV, the Springfieldianites using a Trojan Horse type method to infiltrate to impound and restore the tree to Springfield.
Best Bit: The owner of the impound taking a bite from the lemon resulting in the picture above.
Best Quote: [Bart is surrounded by kids from Shelbyville]
Shelbyville Kid: Wait a minute, if you're from Shelbyville, how come we've never seen you in school?
Bart: I don't go to school.
Shelbyville Kid: Okay, what's two plus two?
Bart: Five
Shelbyville Kid: Ah, story checks out…
2. You Only Move Twice
Synopsis: As the the second most senior man at the Nuclear Plant (after Waylon Smithers), Homer is headhunted for a job for the Globex Coporation in Cypress Creek. Homer's boss, Hank Scorpio seems like the perfect boss and Homer fits in well, increasing productivity. However, life in Cypress Creek is not perfect for the rest of the Simpson family. Bart is put in the remedial classroom, Lisa is allergic to everything and the hi-tech gizmos in the house mean Marge has nothing to do except drink. Homer talks with Scorpio who is in the middle of a battle with the US Army, who tells him to do what is best for his family.
Best Bit: Hank Scorpio is by far my favorite ever Simpsons character. His diabolical schemes and Homer's lack of awareness to them are classic.
Best Quote: [Scoprio is talking onscreen to the UN Security Council]
Scorpio: Good afternoon, gentlemen. This is Scorpio. I have the Doomsday Device. You have 72 hours to deliver the gold or you'll face the consequences. And to prove I'm not bluffing, watch this.
[an explosion occurs near the UN building]
Man 1: Oh, my God, the 59th Street bridge!
Man 2: Maybe it just collapsed on its own.
Man 1: We can't take that chance.
Man 2: You always say that. I want to take a chance.
1. Cape Feare

Synopsis: Bart becomes paranoid after receiving death threats in the mail and realizes that Sideshow Bob, recently out of prison, is behind it. Despite their best efforts, no one can keep Bart safe so the Simpson family are placed on the Witness Relocation Program, renamed The Thompsons and move to Terror Lake to live on a house boat. However, Sideshow Bob is not far behind and drugs the family during the night and chases Bart around the boat. Bob grants Bart one final request and he asks him to sing the entire score from HMS Pinafore. This manages to stall him until the boat pulls in Springfield, where Wiggum and the police arrest him.
Best Bit: Obviously, the rakes. No question, the rakes every single time!
Best Quote: [Bart has difficulty sleeping, his bedroom door opens, a sharp knife appears and man charges into the room casting a scary shadow on the ceiling]
Homer: [holding a large knife upside-down] BARTYOUWANTSOMEBROWNIEBEFOREYOUGOTOBED?
Bart: [screames] AAAAAHHHHH!
Homer: [kneels down and scary shadow disappears] Come on, let me cut you a brownie while they're still hot.
Bart: Dad, I'm kinda edgy right now. I'd appreciate you not coming into my room screaming and brandishing the butcher knife.
Homer: Why?
[Homer looks at the large knife he is holding]
Homer: Oh, right. The Sideshow Bob thing, oh I'm sorry boy.
[Homer kisses Bart and leaves the room. Seconds later, Homer bursts into the room again wearing a white hockey mask and holding a roaring electric chainsaw, which he holds up]
Bart: [screams louder] AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Homer: [turning off the chainsaw and lifting the hockey mask] Oh, sorry. What am I thinking?
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